Ус дамжуулах хоолойн шилжилтийн процесст анализ хийх тухай
Престиж Инжиниринг ХХК-ийн гүйцэтгэх
захирал, зөвлөх инженер
Estimation of the Hydraulic Transient
in the pipeline and selection of methods for its prevention is directly related
to operation life and economic benefit of a facility. Thus, this report
highlights importance of the conducting Hydraulic Transient analysis properly
and selection of method and applications for its
control. Control of Hydraulic Transient shall be the basic method to protect
from the water hammer and hereby introducing the common methods to protect from
water hammer and their advantages and disadvantages.
Түлхүүр үгс: Шилжилтийн
процесс, гидравлик цохилт, шилжилтийн процессийн анализ, баганан тусгаарлал,
шилжилтийн процессийг хянах арга, хамгаалах хэрэгслүүд.