Friday, June 6, 2014

Phosphorus removal cycle in wastewater treatment process – a Mongolian perspective

Монгол улсад үйл ажиллагаа явуулж буй бохир ус цэвэрлэх байгууламжуудын хүчин чадлыг нэмэгдүүлэх, шинээр цэвэрлэх байгууламж барих ажил чухал шаардлагатай байгаа бол хамгийн чухал зүйл нь цэвэрлэгээний технологийн шинэчлэл юм. Та бүхэнд Швед улсын Амьдралын шинжлэх ухааны их сургуулийн "Swedish university of life science" мастер оюутны эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүллийг хүргэж байна.

Special thanks to Matthew Riddle
in recognition of the support

from my friend Robin Hagblom

Phosphorus removal cycle in wastewater treatment process – a Mongolian perspective
GUYEN Battuvshin, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Student of the Environmental Engineering –Environmental Protection – Master’s Programme

Phosphorus is an essential element in the world. The symbol for phosphorus is P. It is a nonmetallic chemical element and atomic number 15. The name of phosphorus name given from Greek mythology Φωσφόρος which it means light bearer also in Latin ”lucifer”. Phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment is crucial because  high nutrients concentration leads to eutrophication and reserves of phosphorus are decreasing. Modern developed countries have developed phosphorus removal strategy used in wastewater treatment plants. Mongolia also understand concept of removing phosphorus from wastewater is important to prevent future environmental changes and try to follow developed countries. The only Mongolian wastewater treatment plant was built in 1964. Until today, Mongolian wastewater treatment plant operates only in basic level removing from organic pollutants. The treatments need to be improved because of downstream pollution. This paper aims explore which method of phosphorus removal is more suitable for Mongolian environmental conditions.
This project paper will review both literature concerning Phosphorus removal.
The main sources for the literature search will be the database of SLU library and Google-scholar.

Methods of phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment process
Mongolian wastewater treatment plant treats the water in two steps: Mechanical and biological. Mechanical treatment system includes four stages. A pump station where industry, farm or city wastewater is directly gathered in pump station location. Sand filter is used to filter pump station water. Sedimentation process is the removal of particulate matter, chemical floc, precipitates from suspension through gravity settling. During sedimentation process  manure is extracted from water but not fully. The sludge  continues to the  sludge digestor where it is dried. The product of sludge digesting stage I treated manure which is left in open space. The biological treatment system treats the water from sedimentation process biologically and also includes few important steps for treating water after mechanical treatment. After sedimentation process, aeration process exposes the wastewater to air because biological treatment process requires aeration. The secondary sedimentation  is next and is a similar process to the previous mechanical sedimentation process. The secondary sedimentation process extracts most of the remaining sludge from the water. The activated sludge process removes any remaining sludge with by microorganisms. This sludge is sent  The last stage is disinfection of the water with ultra violet light to kill microorganisms from activated sludge process or somewhere else.

Applicability of different phosphorus removal methods in Mongolia
Most wastewater treatment plants in the world  use chemical processes to remove P but modern developed countries aim to increase the number of treatment plants using biological phosphorus removal. Biological phosphorus is the phosphorus included into the biomass for cell growth and orthophosphates and polyphosphate result from the decomposition of organic matter and can be removed through biological and chemical phosphorus removal processes. The mechanical and biological wastewater treatment strategy stages are crucial but must be adapted to Mongolian harsh climate which make the biology stages inefficient.  The permafrost also makes construction of new plants difficult.  The common forms of  phosphorus in wastewater are orthophosphate (PO4), polyphosphate as polymers of phosphoric acid and organically bound phosphates. Polyphosphate, such as hexametaphosphate, slowly hydrolyze in water to the soluble ortho form. Biological uptake and chemical precipitation focus on the removal of orthophosphate (from wastewater treatment) because orthophosphate is the most abundant phosphorus species. Metal salts of aluminum or iron are mostly used to precipitate phosphates chemically. Bacterial decomposition of organic compounds also could release orthophosphates. Because the majority of phosphorus compounds in wastewater are soluble, phosphorus is removed only in sparingly by basic sedimentation process. Conventional wastewater treatment like sedimentation and activated sludge alone removes only approximately 20 to 40 percent of the influent phosphorus.
Chemical and biological phosphorus removal process
Chemical precipitation treatment by aluminum or iron coagulants is still used because it is very effective to remove P. Most plants in the world use chemical phosphorus removal  strategy  because it is a fast way to remove phosphorus at a high level. Comparisons by other countries show that chemical phosphorus removal produced more sludge than biological P removal and the difference is dependent on the type of chemical used to remove P. Biological phosphorus removal requires more energy because of the aeration used. Biological phosphorus removal requires more energy in terms of the aeration capacity of the process than chemical phosphorus removal and it also needs more space than the chemical process as the anaerobic unit of the latter process could be skipped. Sludge production combining chemical and biological P removal will save more money. On the other hand using biological or chemical P removal individually is not so efficient for saving money. But in some cases it is better to use one or the other alone. For example with a lot of farm animal waste, chemical P removal could save money and more efficiently remove P. It also depends on which chemical is used or which biological treatment method is used. The point of comparing biological and chemical P removal is to improve advantages and minimize  disadvantages. Write down which methods can be applied in Mongolia and why so. Also write down which methods are not suitable and describe the reasons.
Mongolian perspective
In order to apply P treatment in Mongolia conditions, suitable methods (chemical, biological or conventional) must be used to target the specific different types of phosphorus forms and another elements present there which need to be removed. Downstream of WWTP river polluted of high amount of nutrients and some other elements (Mongolian national report, 2013). According to the WWTP data, most P-polluted water is from industry which contains approximately 80% inorganic P. According to the research, conventional treatment process removes only about 20 to 40 percent of influent phosphorus compared to the biological method. The conventional method loses totally 70% phosphorus (inorganic 3.05mg/l, organic 1.90mg/l) as the WWTP data shows P organic and inorganic totally lose 7mg/l from this process. Combined chemical and biological phosphorus removal loses approximately 18% of total phosphorus. In 18% of P loss includes inorganic 0.3mg/l, organic 1.0mg/l. This results, also based on WWTP data, in P inorganic 4.0 mg/l and P organic 3.0mg/l. For control and future perspective of capital city Ulan bator, wastewater treatment plant according to my research need to apply combined method for get better quality water. But we need to consider permafrost tolerant construction in order to last long usage and plan for possible future increases in P in water.

In conclusion chemical and biological phosphate removal process both are acceptable in Mongolia, but only in constant condition, in other word it is related to the climate and environment which it mean chemical and biological P removal more efficient works in constant temperature and without  . Furthermore, chemical P removal is better than biological P removal in Mongolia because chemical removal process fast and easy way to remove P from wastewater also takes small space of removal process comparing to biological P removal. Biological removal required big space of retain P.

My acknowledgement goes primarily to my supervisor Masud Parvage, Doktorant student as a leading scholar in P removal in wastewater treatment plant. He has provided support, motivation, insight and guidance. During the process of research Masud motivated and checked my writing process. He has provided me with correct guidance and valuable knowledge. He is young, talented and kind hearted.

Biogeochemistry – element cycles data and climate change spring 2014.
ADALBERT Oneke Tanyi Comparison of chemical and biological Phosphorus removal in wastewater – A modelling approach.
JAMES L.BARNARD. 1976 A review of biological phosphorus removal in the activated sludge process
HECTOR Garcı´a Martı´n., 2006 Metagenomic analysis of two enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) sludge communitiesM.MAURER and M.BOLLER. 1999 Modelling of phosphorus precipitation in wastewater treatment plants with enhanced biological phosphorus removal

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