Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tuul River Flood Analysis

Америкийн Нэгдсэн улсын Инженерийн армийн корпсын хийсэн Туул голын үерийн тархалтын загварчлалын тайланг оруулж байна. Сургалтаар материал нь тараагдсан боловч зарим хэрэгтэй хүндээ хүрээгүй байж болно. Та бүгдэд хэрэгтэй мэдээлэл байж болох юм. Гидравлик, гидрологийн нэг хэмжээст шугаман загварчлалыг залуучууд маань эхнээсээ хийдэг болж байна. 

Tuul River Flood Analysis


This documents the development of the Tuul River, Mongolia hydrology and hydraulics model development for the Tuul River Flood Analysis Workshop.  The models are intended to assist local floodplain management officials to begin the evaluation of building a dam on the Tuul River for water supply and floodplain management.  The HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS models should be considered preliminary for the watershed and river analysis.  Limited observed precipitation, river flow, and river stage data is available for calibration and verification of model results.  Further, the terrain data used for geometric input is not accurate in the main channel; therefore the conveyance (or carrying capacity) of the main channel is not clearly known.  Further, the accuracy of the ground surface elevation data  does not provide enough accuracy in the floodplain to develop a highly accurate river hydraulics model or floodplain boundaries.  Therefore, this model should only be used for preliminary assessment – high accuracy terrain data should be acquired and used in the model before significant conclusions are reached.


The Tuul River watershed is approximately 6750 square kilometers for the study area.  The Tuul River was modeled from the Bosgo Gage location downstream approximately 134 km to below the Chinggis Khan International Airport.  The river is a highly braided floodplain with several bridge crossings as the river nears Ulaanbaatar City that affect the higher flows.  Further, there is a levee system that directs floodplain flow both for the Tuul River and the Selbe River, however, the exact location or elevations of the levees are not fully understood.
The primary goal of this analysis was to identify the affects of constructing a dam on the Tuul River.  Three proposed dam locations were evaluated in the river hydraulics model and the affects of the dams hypothetical breach.  The reason for the breach was not identified, however, it was assumed that the failure mechanism would be due to overtopping of the dam.

Hydrologic Model Development

A hydrologic model of the Tuul River Watershed, upstream of Ulaanbaatar, was developed to support a preliminary analysis of proposed reservoir locations.  The hydrologic model was used to estimate the precipitation-runoff response at numerous locations within the watershed.  In addition, the model was used to provide boundary condition data for a river hydraulics model.  A hydrology model is typically used to estimate the volume and magnitude of runoff, given a precipitation event, while a hydraulics model is used to determine the depth of flooding.  The Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) was used as the hydrology model for this analysis.  This software contains a user interface that allows the engineer to define the stream and subbasin network, input parameter data, define boundary conditions, simulation historic and hypothetical precipitation-runoff events, and evaluate simulation results.  This report describes the following steps for developing the HEC-HMS model of the Tuul River Watershed. 
1)      Gather terrain data and delineate stream and subbasin network using HEC-GeoHMS,
2)      Import preliminary HEC-HMS model structure generated by HEC-GeoHMS,
3)      Import precipitation and flow data into HEC-DSS,
4)      Create the model to the 1993 flood event,
5)      Perform a statistical analysis to estimate the 1-percent precipitation and flow at the UB gage,
6)      Model the 1-percent flood given the 1-percent precipitation within the calibrated HEC-HMS model (compare results to the statistical analysis),

Gather terrain data and delineate stream and subbasin network using HEC-GeoHMS

The Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Geospatial Hydrologic Modeling Extension, HEC-GeoHMS, is a tool that can be used within ESRI’s ArcMap program for delineating stream and subbasin networks and generating input files for an HEC-HMS project.  It is not necessary to use HEC-GeoHMS for creating the initial HEC-HMS project; however, it can save considerable time defining the stream and subbasin network for larger watershed studies.  Terrain data, in the form of a raster dataset, is required by HEC-GeoHMS for developing the stream and subbasin network.  The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) was downloaded for Mongolia.  The ASTER data has a 30 meter resolution (one elevation value for each 30 meter by 30 meter grid cell).  Figure 1 shows the elevation data and the watershed boundary upstream of the Ulaanbaatar stream gage. 
HEC-GeoHMS uses an 8-point pour model to define the direction water moves across the terrain grid; it is assumed water moves in the direction of steepest slope.  An intermediate grid is created where each grid cell is assigned a value that indicates the direction of the steepest slope.  Once that is known, another intermediate grid is created that accumulates the number of grid cells flowing into each grid cell.  Grid cells with a value of 0 indicate those grid cells located along the terrain boundary, while those grid cells with a large value indicate grid cells that are part of the stream network.  This flow accumulation grid can be used to define drainage area at any point within the grid by multiplying the flow accumulation value times the area of the grid cell.  For example, if the grid cell is 30 meters by 30 meters and the flow accumulation had a value of 1,000, then the drainage area would be 0.9 square kilometers.  These flow direction and flow accumulation grids make it possible to delineate subbasin boundaries at any point along the stream network.  Figure 2 shows the subbasin boundaries; note subbasin outlets were defined at proposed reservoir locations and stream gage locations, indicated by the triangles in Figure 2

Figure 1.  Terrain data used for defining the stream and subbasin network.

Figure 2.  Subbasin delineation for the Tuul River HEC-HMS Model.
It’s important to verify the delineation from HEC-GeoHMS with other published information.  Figure 3 shows the subbasin delineation generated by HEC-GeoHMS (red line) and a subbasin delineation provided from another source (black line).  Notice the discrepancy within the circled area.  Figure 4 shows an aerial image within this same area along with the delineation from HEC-GeoHMS (red line) and from another source (black line).  Based on the aerial image, the delineation from HEC-GeoHMS correctly defines the drainage in this headwater basin. 

Figure 3.  Discrepancy between subbasin delineation from HEC-GeoHMS and published boundary.

Figure 4.  Aerial image showing the subbasin delineation for HEC-GeoHMS is correct.

After the subbasin and stream network were defined, HEC-GeoHMS was used to define physical characteristics of the watershed, such as the longest flow path and stream slope.  These data were saved to attribute tables for the subbasin and river layers.  Finally, HEC-GeoHMS was used to create files that could be read by HEC-HMS.  These files contain the connectivity of subbasins and streams along with the parameters estimate from GIS datasets.  Figure 5 shows the fin

al configuration of the HEC-GeoHMS project. 

Figure 5.  Final HEC-GeoHMS model.

Import preliminary HEC-HMS model structure generated by HEC-GeoHMS

The files generated by HEC-GeoHMS were imported into an HEC-HMS project.  The HEC-HMS model was modified by incorporating the previously developed model of the Selbe River and subbasin and river reaches were renamed to reflect either gage locations or tributary names.  Figure 6 shows the schematic of the HEC-HMS model, with updated names.  Table 1 contains a list of subbasins and drainage area. 
The main components of an HEC-HMS model are the basin model, meteorologic model, and input data, like precipitation and flow data.  As mentioned, the basin model was initially developed using HEC-GeoHMS.  Once this was imported into the HEC-HMS project, additional information was required.  This additional information includes parameters that are used to model infiltration, surface runoff, baseflow, and channel routing.  The deficit and constant method was used to model infiltration, the Clark unit hydrograph method was used to model surface runoff, the recession method was used to model baseflow, and the Modified Puls and Muskingum methods were used to model channel routing.  More information about these modeling methods can be found in the HEC-HMS User’s Manual and Technical Reference Manual.  Table 2 contains a list of the more sensitive parameters used to populate the Tuul River HEC-HMS model.  Some model parameter can be estimated using GIS datasets, for example the time of concentration can be estimated using the longest flow path (length) and an estimate of water velocity. 

It is necessary to calibrate the model to observed precipita

tion and flow.  As discussed later in the report, the model was calibrated to the 1993 flood event.  The constant loss rate and Clark unit hydrograph parameters were modified so that the model could reproduce the measured flow for this event.

Figure 6.  HEC-HMS model of the Tuul River Watershed after renaming subbasins and river reaches.

Table 1.  Subbasin Names and area.
Subbasin Name
Area (square km)

Table 2.  Parameters defined in HEC-HMS model.
Subbasin Name
Constant Loss Rate (mm/hr)
Time of Concentration (hr)
Storage Coefficient (hr)

Import precipitation and flow data into HEC-DSS

Precipitation and flow data were provided for the Ulaanbaatar and Terelj gages.  Additional flow data was provided for the Bosgo gage.  In order to use this data within the HEC-HMS model, it was imported into the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Data Storage System Visualization Utility Engine (HEC-DSSVue).  HEC-DSSVue can be used to easily visualize, compare, and edit the time-series data.  Figure 7 shows the editor used to import the data into HEC-DSSVue, the data was copied and pasted from Excel files into this editor.  Figure 8 shows a plot in HEC-DSSVue comparing flow at the Ulaanbaatar and Terelj gages for the 1993 flood.

Figure 7.  Entering time-series data into HEC-DSSVue.

Figure 8.  Comparison of flow hydrographs at the Ulaanbaatar and Terelj Gages.
The time-series data was accessed from the HEC-HMS model by creating flow and precipitation gages.  Figure 9 shows the precipitation gage for the Terelj gage.  Notice the gage is pointing to the Tuul Data.dss file.  This is the file where all data from the Excel spreadsheets was imported.  The DSS Pathname field shows the Terelj precipitation record was selected.  When a simulation is computed within the Tuul River HEC-HMS model, the program will access this DSS file when gathering data for the Terelj gage.

Figure 9.  Link time-series gage in the HEC-HMS model to DSS records.

Calibrate the model to the 1993 flood event

The 1993 flood event was used to calibrate the HEC-HMS model.  The simulation time window was from June 20, 1993 through August 15, 1993.  A 1-hour simulation time-step was selected.  The precipitation data provided was at a 12-hour interval (includes the accumulated precipitation for a 12-hour period).  When running the simulation at a 1-hour time-step, HEC-HMS will proportion the 12-hour data equally among the 12 hours.  For example, if the data contained 12 millimeter of precipitation for a 12-hour period, then HEC-HMS will apply 1 millimeter of precipitation for each hour within the 12-hour period.
Both the Terelj and Ulaanbaatar precipitation data was used for the 1993 event simulation.  The model was set up so that all subbasins in the upstream portion of the watershed, upstream of the Terelj gage and the upper proposed reservoir, used the Terelj gage and all the remaining subbasins used the Ulaanbaatar gage.  Figure 10 shows the precipitation from both these gages for the 1993 event.  The Terelj gage measured 330 millimeters and the Ulaanbaatar gage measured 200 millimeters.  Figure 11 shows a comparison of simulated (blue line) and observed (black line) flow at the Terelj gage for the 1993 simulation.  Figure 12 shows the comparison at the Ulaanbaatar gage.  Results show fairly good agreement in magnitude and volume of runoff (HEC-HMS model parameters were adjusted, within reason, to improve model results).  At the Ulaanbaatar gage the model simulated 204.6 millimeters of runoff and the observed discharge is 206.0 millimeters.  One item to note is that the observed streamflow data does not capture the peak flow or the daily average flow of the event.  It only represents the instantaneous flow measured once per day.  In order to accurately model this historic event, more detailed measurement of flow data is necessary.   

Figure 10.  Comparison of precipitation at the Ulaanbaatar and Terelj gages for the 1993 event.

Figure 11.  Computed and observed hydrographs at the Terelj gage for the 1993 simulation.

Figure 12.  Computed and observed hydrographs at the Ulaanbaatar gage for the 1993 simulation.
The deficit and constant loss method does support continuous simulation of the hydrologic cycle.  During periods without precipitation, the program will remove water from the soil, creating a moisture deficit.  Figure 13 shows results from one of the subbasin elements.  The first plot shows precipitation, the second is the moisture deficit, and the third is the flow from the subbasin element.  Notice how the deficit grows when there is no precipitation and becomes zero during large precipitation events.  

Figure 13.  Example of continuous simulation in HEC-HMS model.

Perform a statistical analysis to estimate the 1-percent precipitation and flow at the UB gage

A statistical analysis of precipitation and flow data was completed to estimate the 1-percent 24-hour rainfall and the 1-percent flow at the Ulaanbaatar gage.  This information was used to create simulations within HEC-HMS that evaluated the impact of a reservoir on the flow at Ulaanbaatar.
Precipitation and Flow data found in the Preliminary Hydrological and Hydraulic Investigation Report, written in November 2010 for the existing and proposed Ulaanbaatar Bayanzurkh Bridge project, was imported into the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Statistical Software Package (HEC-SSP).  Figure 14 shows the annual maximum peak flows from the Tuul-Ulaanbaatar gage.  These peak flows are the maximum flow measured at the gage, but do not reflect the maximum flow for the event.  Figure 15 contains the annual maximum 24-hour precipitation from the Ulaanbaatar gage.  These values have been adjusted to better reflect a maximum over any 24-hour period (the original data was maximum precipitation at standard clock intervals, not maximums over 24-hours).
HEC-SSP contains a general frequency analysis that fits an analytical frequency curve to the annual maximum data.  For this analysis, the log Pearson type III curve was fit to the data.  HEC-SSP follows Guidelines for Determining Flood Flow Frequency, Bulletin 17B, when computing the frequency curve.  Figure 16 shows a graphical plot and Figure 17 show the table of the precipitation frequency curve.  Notice the 1-percent precipitation is 81 millimeters.  Figure 18 shows a graphical plot and Figure 19 shows the table of the flow frequency curve.  The 1-percent flow is approximately 2094 cms. 

Figure 14.  Modified peak flows measured at the Ulaanbaatar gage.

Figure 15.  Modified peak 24-hour precipitation measured at the Ulaanbaatar gage.

Figure 16.  Graphical precipitation frequency curve for maximum 24-hour data.

Figure 17.  Tabular precipitation frequency curve for maximum 24-hour data.

Figure 18.  Graphical flow frequency curve for the Tuul River at Ulaanbaatar.

Figure 19.  Tabular flow frequency curve for the Tuul River at Ulaanbaatar.

Model the 1-percent flood given the 1-percent precipitation within the calibrated HEC-HMS model (compare results to the statistical analysis)

The 1-percent precipitation value computed using HEC-SSP was specified in the HEC-HMS model and a “hypothetical” time pattern was applied (the SCS type II pattern).  This was necessary to distribute the 24-hour precipitation into 1-hour increments.  Another option was to perform the frequency analysis on 12-hour data, then manually configure the storm given the 24-hour and 12-hour values.  Figure 20 shows the precipitation hyetograph computed by the SCS type II storm (the maximum 1-hour intensity is 30 mm).  As shown above, the statistical analysis estimated 81 inches for the 1-percent precipitation.  This represents precipitation measured at one location and does not represent the precipitation intensity for a storm occurring over the entire Tuul River watershed.  One assumption typically made when modeling frequency events is to reduce the “point” precipitation for the area the storm is being applied.  For the HEC-HMS model, the 81 millimeters was reduced to 70 millimeters to reflect a storm being applied to the entire Tuul River Watershed upstream of Ulaanbaatar.  A more in-depth analysis should be completed where historical storms are used to develop depth-area reduction factors.

Figure 20.  Precipitation hyetograph for the 1-percent event simulation.
Figure 21 shows the simulated hydrograph at the Ulaanbaatar gage for the 1-percent event simulation.  The peak flow is 2036 cms and the total volume of runoff is 104 millimeters.  The computed peak flow is similar to the 1-percent flow generated by the statistical analysis of observed data, 2094 cms. 

Figure 21.  Runoff hydrograph at Ulaanbaatar for the 1-percent hypothetical flood.

Set up a simulation that can be used to illustrate the benefits, reduction of peak flow and volume, of a reservoir located upstream of Ulaanbaatar on the Tuul River

The final analysis completed with the HEC-HMS model was to determine the effect of an upstream reservoir on the 1-percent flood event.  This analysis was completed by duplicating the basin model used to compute the 1-percent hydrograph.  Then, at the location of the upper reservoir, the junction was disconnected from the stream network, see Figure 22.  Effectively, this removed 2262 square miles from the watershed.  A source element was added to the model and was configured to supply a constant 5 cms (this simulates a minimum reservoir release).  A simulation was created that used the same 1-percent precipitation and the modified basin model.  Figure 23 shows a comparison of hydrographs at the Ulaanbaatar gage for the 1-percent simulation, current conditions, and the 1-percent simulation with an upstream reservoir.  The peak flow drops from 2036 cms to 1287 cms and the total runoff volume (for the event time-window) decreases from 104 millimeters to 71 millimeters. 

Additional basin model could be configured to determine the effects of different reservoir locations on the peak flow at Ulaanbaatar.  In addition, a detailed reservoir simulation model could be used to determine an operation criteria for larger storm events to minimize downstream impacts and retain water for water supply.

Figure 22.  Basin model schematic showing where upstream subbasins we

re disconnected from the drainage network.

Figure 23.  Comparison of 1-percent hydrograph for the current conditional scenario and the upstream reservoir scenario.

Hydraulic Model Development

An HEC-RAS model was created to evaluate hypothetical dam breaches for three proposed dam locations.  Therefore, many of the assumptions used in model development consider that modeling a very large flow is the intended purpose of the model. This report describes the following steps for developing the HEC-RAS model of the Tuul River and applying it to hypothetical dam breach scenarios. 
1)      Gather elevation data
2)      Develop model geometry
3)      Establish flow data and boundary conditions
4)      Enter dam information and breach parameters
5)      Hydraulic simulation and analysis of results

Elevation Data

THE HEC-RAS model was constructed based on SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data.  This data was found to be the best available data for the region.  The SRTM collected radar data over the Earth in February 2000 by Shuttle Endeavour and is process by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  SRTM data is expected to have a horizontal accuracy of 20 m and vertical accuracy of 16 m; however, verification of the SRTM data has shown a vertical accuracy closer to 9 m.  For this study, SRTM data projected to the UTM Zone 48 North at a nominal 30-m cell size was used for elevation data for all geometry and inundation mapping.

Model Geometry

HEC-GeoRAS was used to extract geometric data for HEC-RAS.  HEC-GeoRAS is a GIS tool that works with ArcMap and can extract elevation data (and perform mapping of HEC-RAS results).  Using GeoRAS, the river alignment and cross sections were laid out based on the terrain characteristics to model the floodplain.  Elevation information was then extracted from the SRTM terrain for HEC-RAS cross sections.  The HEC-RAS cross sections required additional modification

 to better represent the channel area and shape; dimensions observed during field visits and using Russian Military Topographic maps published in the 1960s and 1970s were used to modify the cross sections.  The channel dimensions were further adjusted based on the measurement of field measurements of the bridge openings.  The size and shape of the channel is highly variable and the lack of high-resolution terrain data means that the cross section geometry may not accurately represent the true ground surface conditions.  The river system and cross section layout are shown in Figure 24 .

Figure 24.  RIver and cross section layout.
Surface roughness values represented with Manning n-values were set to 0.05 for the main channel and 0.1 for the overbank areas.  N-values were not varied throughout the model as there was not data to support n-value refinement.  These values were used based on estimates from field visit and aerial imagery.
Four bridges were modeled (Yarmag, Zaison (Peace Bridge), Marshalls, and Bayanzurh).  All bridge information was estimated from field visits for approximate opening height, width, number of piers, and pier width.  Elevations were tied into the terrain model elevations which are known to not be highly accurate.
 Levees were used to model high ground – their location approximated from aerial imagery and elevations taken from the SRTM data.  Supplemental levee location and elevation information was not available to refine the levee information used on the cross sections.  In the end, an elevation that would consistently contain 2000 cms (an approximate 100-year flow as determined through the hydrologic analysis) without overtopping was used as the final levee height.  An example of the levee placement with cross sections is in shown Figure 25.

Figure 25.  Levee locations shown along the river with cross section locations.

Flow Data and Boundary Conditions

Flow developed from the HEC-HMS model were used as inputs to the HEC-RAS unsteady-flow model.  The estimated 1-pecent chance exceedance flows were used as the flood scenario during the hypothetical dam breaching.  The normal depth boundary condition was used for the downstream boundary condition (s= 0.0016) based on the average land surface slope.  The downstream boundary condition did not affect hydraulic results in the study area.  Locations of inflow into the HEC-RAS model are shown in Figure 26.  Lateral (point inflow) and uniform lateral (distributed inflow) inflow boundaries were used.

Figure 26.  Flow input locations.

Dam Information

There were three proposed dam site locations on the Tu

ul River.  Propose Site #1 was just downstream o f the Bosgo Gage; Site #2 downstream of the confluence of the Terelj River; and Site #3 about 10 km downstream from Nalayh.  Proposed dam site locations are shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27.  Proposed Tuul River dam site locations.

Site #1 is preferred proposed location and was the focus for the analysis.  The top of dam elevation, reservoir storage volume and breach characteristics used for the analysis are provided in Table 3.
Table 3.  Dam Information.

Site #1
Site #2
Site #3
Dam Elevation (m)
Total Volume (M m3)
Breach Bottom Width (m)
Side Slopes
Formation Time (hr)

Site #1 was modeled using an inline structure to model the dam and a storage area object for the reservoir volume.  The elevation-volume information for the storage area was developed using the terrain model.  The curve was then adjusted to ensure that 274 million m3 corresponded to the max dam elevation of 1530 m. Site #2 and Site #3 were modeled using an inline structure for the dam and cross sections for the reservoir area.   Breach information was estimated using published regression equations for earthen dams.  These regression equations are available within the HEC-RAS Breach Editor, shown in Figure 27 and an example of the Breach Editor is shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28.  Breach parameter calculator in HEC-RAS.

Figure 29.  HEC-RAS Breach Editor.

Hydraulic Results

Hydraulic results for the proposed dam site locations were evaluated based on stage, flow and warning time at the UB Gage located at Marshalls Bridge.  For the three proposed sites, a breach on the most upstream location (Site #1) results in an estimated maximum water surface of 1296.6 m while a breach at Site #3 results in a estimated water surface elevation of 1299.5 m for about 3 m difference.  Further a breach at Site #1 would provide for an estimated 25 hours of warning/evacuation time while a breach at Stie #3 would only provide an estimated 4 hours of warning.  A summary of results is shown in Table 4 and illustrated in Figure 29.
Table 4.  Summary of Dam Breach results.

Site #1
Site #2
Site #3
Max WSE (m)
Peak Flow (cms)
Flood Arrival Time (hrs)

Figure 30.  Dam breach stage hydrograph results for the 3 dam sites.

The approximate 3 m difference in water surface elevation resulting from the breaches and the propose dam sites resulted in very little difference in the flood inundation.  As shown in Figure 30, there is an almost indiscernible difference in floodplain boundary around Ulaanbaatar City.

Figure 31.  Estimated inundation flood extents from the dam

 breach scenarios.

Figure 32.  Estimated flood depths on structures for dam breach of Site #1.

Sensitivity analysis for the breach parameters was evaluated for the proposed Dam Site #1 location.  The analysis proved to not be sensitive the selection of the parameters.
Table 5.  Summary of breach parameter sensitivity for Dam Site #1.

Breach Bottom Width (m)
Side Slopes
Formation Time (hr)
Peak Flow @ Dam (cms)
Max WSE @ UB Gage (m)
Peak Flow @UB Gage (cms)
Flood Arrival Time @ UB Gage (hr)

Figure 33.  Hydrograph sensitivity to breach parameters for Dam Site #1 at the UB Gage.


The HEC-RAS model was constructed from data that was not well defined in the main channel.  It is uncertain of the flood carrying capacity the channel and floodplain.  However, each of the dam breach  scenarios shows overtopping of the mod

eled levee.  If the channel and levee heights used in this analysis is not correct, however, the result could be severely incorrect. The levee information was also not accurate enough to provide a high level of confidence in identifying the overtopping water surface elevation.  The levee system may have been professionally engineered and has a variable top elevation.  As a result, it is prudent to improve the HEC-RAS model with accurate geometric data: channel data and levee positions and elevations.  Examples of the importance in using correct levees in shown in Figure 33 and Figure 34.

Figure 34.  Levee positions and elevations will greatly affect the water surface profile results on cross sections; thereby affecting the floodplain mapping.

Figure 35.  Example of the importance of proper levee position and elevation for inundation mapping.
Further, it is important to acknowledge the numerous bridges on the Tuul River.  The HEC-RAS model assumes that the bridge function according to the observed conditions.  However, during a dam breach flood event the structural response of the bridges to the flood wave are highly uncertain.  The bridges may be removed by the flood, clogged with debris, or the channel may be scoured in the bridge opening. It is recommended that sensitivity analysis of the bridge openings based on probable scenarios be evaluated.  This is most important for areas where the river is leveed and the water surface may overtopped the levee and flood the protected area.
Lastly, because the terrain data is not complete (leading to deficiency in HEC-RAS model construct), the inundation extents are not mapped with high certainty.  It is recommended that mapping is performed after acquiring improved terrain data with improved hydraulic model geometry and a refined hydraulic analysis.

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